5 Tips to Building a Better Social Media Presence as a Software Engineer

As a software engineer, having a social media strategy on Twitter is particularly important to remain competitive in the ever-changing industry. With its combination of powerful analytics and networking capabilities, Twitter is a great platform to gain visibility and establish your professional presence. A robust social media presence is essential for success as a software […]
How to be a successful developer without building a Web Portfolio

Stop spending so much time building the actual website — That’s not going to get you the job. In fact most developers don’t even have a portfolio website. If they do, it probably only includes social media links. If you’re a developer, there’s a good chance you’ve been told you need to have a portfolio […]
How To Survive Your First Year In Tech

It can be hard to find your footing in the world of tech, especially if you’re a woman. These are my survival tactics for making it through your first year in tech as a woman and not giving up.
Best Times To Learn How To Code

With our busy schedules, sometimes it is hard to sit down and code. It is important to block out set times in our day and keep a consistent schedule. Here are the best times to code.
Tips On How To Get Started In Tech

Learn how to start your journey into Software Development by following these simple steps.